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Thin Client Conversion: Repurpose, New Hardware, or Xyberis Software?

In today's rapidly evolving landscape of remote work and IT infrastructure, organizations face crucial decisions regarding Thin Client conversion. Traditionally, the primary options have been repurposing existing PCs or investing in new hardware. However, a compelling third alternative has emerged: leveraging Xyberis software solutions. 

Option 1: Repurposing PCs into Thin Clients

Pros Cons
  1. Cost Savings: Repurposing existing PCs can lead to significant cost savings by avoiding the expense of purchasing new hardware. This approach can be budget-friendly and efficient.

  2. Environmental Sustainability: Repurposing contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for new hardware production and optimizing power usage. It's a responsible choice that aligns with eco-conscious initiatives.

  3. Flexibility and BYOD: Repurposing allows for device customization, catering to individual user preferences. It offers flexibility and promotes the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) culture within organizations.

  4. Testing Ground: It provides an opportunity to test a thin client infrastructure without a major upfront investment. This allows you to evaluate the feasibility of such a transition before committing fully.

  5. Enhanced Security: Converting PCs into thin clients can enhance security by minimizing the attack surface. This approach reduces the risk of security breaches and cyber threats.

  1. Hardware Reliability Concerns: Older hardware may be prone to failures and performance issues. This can impact the user experience and potentially cause workflow interruptions.

  2. Peripheral Limitations: Repurposed PCs may lack necessary peripherals, and future hardware needs should be carefully considered. This includes assessing compatibility with webcams and videoconferencing tools.

  3. Infrastructure Variability: In environments with various PC models, the testing phase for repurposing can be time-consuming. Each model requires evaluation and customization

  4. Significant undertaking: In many instances, replacing the entire Windows OS with a Linux OS is a substantial task with levels of complexity.
  5. Locked in: Converting PCs to thin clients means companies become committed to the thin client software vendor's solution for management capabilities and OS updates.

Option 2: Purchasing New Thin Client Hardware

Pros Cons
  1. Performance Assurance: Investing in new thin client hardware ensures reliable performance, especially for demanding tasks. It guarantees a high level of performance and responsiveness.

  2. Peripheral Compatibility: Organizations can choose thin client models tailored to their specific peripheral requirements. This approach ensures seamless integration with essential devices.

  3. Reduced Failure Risk: New hardware minimizes the risk of hardware failures, ensuring long-term stability and dependable operation.

  4. Energy Efficiency: Thin client endpoints consume less energy compared to traditional PCs, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits. This aligns with energy-efficient initiatives.

  1. Higher Upfront Costs: Purchasing new hardware involves a higher initial investment compared to repurposing existing PCs. It can strain the budget in the short term.
  2. Lack of Flexibility: Potential difficulties when reverting to a complete Windows Operating System in the event of a new application delivery strategy implementation.
  3. Hardware Limitations: The hardware employed is of an entry-level nature, providing limited performance for redirected multimedia and unified communications applications.


Option 3: Exploring Xyberis Software Solutions

Pros Cons
  1. Efficient Portal Access: Xyberis provides a secure portal for controlled access to designated applications, isolating users from the local Windows operating system. This approach enhances security and minimizes unauthorized access.

  2. Streamlined IT Management: Xyberis software solutions efficiently manage IT infrastructure by seamlessly integrating existing management software and providing flexibility for real-time adjustments to Kiosk User profiles

  3. Minimal OS Changes: Focusing on optimizing existing management software and maintaining the utilization of the Windows OS in a secure kiosk mode, without introducing new software or extensive OS conversions, means that disruption to existing workflows is minimized.

  4. Free Software Versions: Xyberis offers free versions of Secure Web Solo and Secure App Portal products, making it easier for organizations to explore and implement their solutions without an initial financial commitment, allowing their suitability to be assessed f before considering premium options.
  1. Hardware Limitations: While Xyberis simplifies management and enhances security, it may not address specific hardware needs. Organizations with unique hardware requirements should assess compatibility.

Organizations now have three viable options to consider when contemplating Thin Client conversion: repurposing existing PCs, investing in new thin client hardware, or utilizing Xyberis software solutions. The choice should align with your organization's requirements, budget, and long-term goals. Repurposing is a cost-effective and environmentally responsible option, but it may have hardware limitations.

Investing in new hardware ensures performance and compatibility but comes with a higher upfront cost. Xyberis software solutions provide efficient portal access, streamlined IT management, and flexibility without extensive OS changes, making them a compelling alternative.

Next Steps:

  • Carefully evaluate your unique circumstances to determine the best approach for your organization's IT infrastructure
  • Get familiar with Xyberis products, including utilizing the free downloads available
  • Reach out to the Xyberis support team if you require any further information.